Thursday, April 26, 2012

Candidacy Statement, Todd Finlay

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I am writing again to announce my candidacy for one of the at-large representatives of the Castro Valley Teachers Association.  I joined the California Teachers Association in the early 90s, and the CVTA in 1994. I teach a Special Day Class at Marshall Elementary for 4th and 5th graders. For the past year I have worked on the Executive Committee as an at large representative.  For a few years before that I worked on the “Political Organizing Committee” of the CVTA.

It has been a good year. We successfully organized our members, and united students, parents, and community members to resist class size increases. We have increased transparency and built participation. I feel like my participation in that has been helpful. I proposed our March 1st rally and took the lead in organizing it.  Thanks to your participation, it was a great success. I spoke out at school board meetings and organized other local rallies, not just at my own school. The rallies, the phone calls and the efforts of our bargaining team made the difference.

Given the present attacks on teachers and unions across our country, and even here in Castro Valley, I knew it would be a challenge. I also believed and continue to believe that with organization we can make things better. Teachers are intelligent, resourceful, and well connected in our community. I hope that all of you will continue to demonstrate the great participation that made our victories possible this year. Our union is only as strong as we are when we clarify our intentions and unite.

I believe in a strong, democratic union which works for all of its members. As teachers, we are faced with the demand and privilege of representing the interests of our students, our community, and ourselves. Only when we unite the many will we be able to defeat the few who have an interest in diverting school reform away from that which betters our schools, our instruction, our students, and our own lives.

As a student of history, I know that unions have played an important role in America. We are the counterweight to the regressive right, corporations, and corporate CEOs who have left our schools underfunded and under attack. In the coming year, we need to continue to strengthen our association, and make it the leader of teachers, parents, and community members that it is meant to be.

As an at-large representative, I want to continue to increase communication and participation.  The proposal to fund a political action committee for local school board races is a good one. Just think of what it would be like to have a school board more responsive to teachers.  Teachers know what makes schools work and we should play a greater role in making that possible. Please share your thoughts and questions with me anytime at

There is more to do. If we want kids to think out of the box, we need to stop putting teachers and students in a box.

In Solidarity,

Todd R. Finlay

Monday, March 21, 2011

At-large Representative

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I am writing again to announce my candidacy for one of the at-large representatives of the Castro Valley Teachers Association.  I joined the California Teachers Association in the early 90s, and the CVTA in 1994. I teach a Special Day Class at Marshall Elementary for 4th and 5th graders. For the past year I have worked on the Executive Committee as an at large representative.  For a few years before that I worked on the “Political Organizing Committee” of the CVTA.

It has been a good year. We successfully organized our members, and united students, parents, and community members to resist class size increases. We have increased transparency and built participation. I feel like my participation in that has been helpful. I proposed our March 1st rally and took the lead in organizing it.  Thanks to your participation, what a success it was. I spoke out at school board meetings and organized other local rallies, not just at my own school. The rallies, the phone calls and the efforts of our bargaining team made the difference.

Given the present attacks on teachers and unions across our country, and even here in Castro Valley, I knew it would be a challenge. I also believed and continue to believe that with organization we could make things better. Teachers are intelligent, resourceful, and well connected in our community. I hope that all of you will continue to demonstrate the great participation that made our victories possible this year. Our union is only as strong as we are when we clarify our intentions and unite.

I believe in a strong, democratic union which works for all of its members. As teachers, we are faced with the demand and privilege of representing the interests of our students, our community, and ourselves. Only when we unite the many will we be able to defeat the few who have an interest in diverting school reform away from that which betters our schools, our instruction, our students, and our own lives.

As a student of history, I know that unions have played an important role in America. We are the counterweight to the regressive right, corporations, and corporate CEOs who have left our schools underfunded and under attack. In the coming year, we need to continue to strengthen our association, and make it the leader of teachers, parents, and community members that it is meant to be.

As an at-large representative, I want to continue to increase communication and participation.  The proposal to fund a political action committee for local school board races is a good one. Just think of what it would be like to have a school board more responsive to teachers.  Teachers know what makes schools work and we should play a greater role in making that possible. Please share your thoughts and questions with me anytime at

There is more to do. If we want kids to think out of the box, we need to stop letting them put teachers and students in a box.

In Solidarity,

Todd R. Finlay